
Frontline Gaming & TABLEWAR™ MegaMat Gaming Mat

Created by The Frontline Gaming & TABLEWAR™ Team

A series of 4x6' & 4x4' themed, tabletop gaming mats for miniatures war gaming... we call them: Mega Mat**!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

4x4' Mats and remaining 6x4' Mats leave the factory!
over 10 years ago – Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 01:58:05 PM

Hi all!

Wow, we achieved another notable milestone yesterday! All the remaining pledged mats left the factory; this includes all of the 4x4' mats as well as the final three themes of the 6x4' mats ('Barren Wasteland', 'Space', & 'Urban Combat 2'). They are scheduled to arrive to our warehouse mid April. We will then ship them out to all our backers before the end of April.

That said, we have a lot of extra mats in every theme and size coming with this delivery. Starting next Tuesday we will begin accepting additional pre-orders for mats that will ship AFTER all the KickStarter mats have shipped (we expect to begin shipping these additional pre-orders May 1st). You can tell your friends who may be interested to make these pre-orders at within our online shop.

As always, thanks to all of you for helping to make this project successful! We are in the final stretch...

Cheers, Frankie, Reece, Doug, & Todd

848 MegaMat Gaming Mats Sent!
over 10 years ago – Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 04:27:47 PM

Hello Backers!

Whew, Frankie is just now able to take a well deserved, guilt free break. The first four themes of the 6x4' gaming mats have nearly all shipped out (if we had your address, it shipped). Well, he has 1 more Grassy Plains to ship tomorrow (address issue that is now resolved)!

So, now we wait for the second production batch (all the 4x4's and the last three themes of the 6x4'). The factory has 50 more to complete. Todd will be at the factory on March 21st to load the container and send it to Reece and Frankie for distribution. The current ETA in California is April 14th... So we should have most of the remaining mats out soon after that. And then we open up full retail sales!

Huge thanks to all our backers for getting us here. We appreciate the support, and sometimes patience, as we have run through this amazing KickStarter experience. THANK YOU!

Cheers, Frankie, Reece, Doug, & Todd

Shipping Update
over 10 years ago – Sat, Mar 08, 2014 at 02:01:00 PM

Hello Backers!

  Here is the latest updates on shipping...

  For the first four themes, all of the US orders (including Alaska and Hawaii) have shipped out. Even if you didn't receive your tracking number (in a junk email box, off to a bad email address, or simply didn't go out do to a mistake on our part). If you don't have it, please just wait another week before sending any emails. After that, you can send inquiries to [email protected] to track your product down. 

  For all countries outside of the US, shipping has been underway for the past several days. As these are all going through the US Post Office, we are facing a bottleneck that we hadn't anticipated. The local USPS will only allow us to send out 50 shipments a day. So, that puts us into the end of next week to finish the shipments. So again, if you don't see any movement or receive a tracking number, don't worry (it is happening as fast as we are able to do it).

  Manufacturing Update: The second production run is nearly complete. The last three designs are printing now. We are on track to finish manufacturing March 15th. This will put the mats into the US by mid April for shipments. We are discussing how to get a jump on the international shipments from day 1 so as to avoid the newly understood bottleneck. So, with luck, we will get the second batch out to all even more quickly than the first.

Thanks, Todd, Frankie, Reece, & Doug

Shipping of mats continues...
over 10 years ago – Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 07:05:20 AM

Hi All,

  Many of you in the US have received your pledges for the first four themes of the 6x4' Mega Mat gaming mats. US backers who haven't received them yet,  should have their orders very soon. I talked to Frankie and he is driving hard to get the international orders ready to go out. I will talk to him by end of this week to provide the international backers with a much clearer expectation for when the orders went out/ will go out. 

Cheers, Todd

US Shipments via UPS - more to go out Monday
over 10 years ago – Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 04:05:19 PM

Hi All,

Frankie just confirmed that there will be a pick-up by UPS on Monday to take all the remaining US pledges and add-on's for the first four themes: 'Alpine', 'Blast Zone', 'Urban Combat', & 'Grassy Plains'. So those of you with tracking numbers within the US that haven't seen any movement yet should see your shipment moving after Monday. If you are in the US and didn't get a tracking number yet for one of those four themes, you should soon.

Cheers, Todd @ TABLEWAR(TM) Sales